Friday, October 12, 2012

blog 5: by andy sais

1)      “Mormons in the United States 1990-2008”, Trinity College
2)   2012 Republican Platform

3)      2012 Democratic National Platform

5)      “Comparative Politics”, David J. Samuels

         Do members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a political identity attached to them? Even though the Church remains politically neutral (4), one can most definitely argue that there is a strong connection between the Republican Party and members of the LDS church. This can be argued using statistical data, comparing and contrasting LDS beliefs with the Republican and Democratic Parties’ platforms, and can be explained mainly by the Primordialist Theory.

            According to a study performed by Trinity College (1), it was found that LDS members, or Mormons, are 59 percent more likely to be Republican than non-LDS individuals who were found to be 27 percent likely. Within Utah, 66 percent of Mormons are more likely to be Republican than LDS members who live outside the state. Not only are Mormons more likely to be Republican but they are more likely to participate in voting. According to the same study (1) 84 percent of Mormons overall, with 90 percent in Utah, registered to vote compared to 78 percent of non-Mormon citizens. It is obvious, therefore, that a vast majority of Mormons are not only Republicans but more involved in politics than non-Mormon citizens.

            One would ask why there is such a strong correlation between the Republican Party and LDS church members. The answer can be found in a close comparison of Mormon beliefs and the Republican Party Platform. Mormons live by very high values and place the family as one of the most important and central institutions in society and life (4). Because of these values, Mormons believe in the traditional view of the family with a husband and wife legally and lawfully married (4). Because of their beliefs that we are divinely created and that our lives have meaning and purpose they place a great emphasis on the sanctity of life and strongly discourage abortion (4). According to the Republican Party Platform (2) Republicans also believe in traditional marriage for very similar reasons as Mormons. It states “The institution of marriage is the foundation of civil society”. According to the Democratic Party Platform (3) Democrats believe in marriage equality and therefore support same-sex marriage. Democrats also support a woman’s right to choose as far as birth control is concerned (3). This means that Democrats believe that it is the woman’s choice whether to have an abortion or not. In contrast, Republicans believe in the sanctity of life, that all individuals have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (2). It is also interesting to note that the Republican Party advocates certain aspects of religious freedom that are important to Mormons. This includes churches being able to hold their stance on traditional marriage, the performance of marriage ceremonies, adoption of children, and membership in the Boy Scouts of America (2). Republicans also support public demonstration of religion, such as posting the Ten Commandments in government buildings (2).

            Another question that one may ask is how this phenomenon has taken place. David J. Samuels expounds on different theories of how identities are created (5). One such theory is the Primordialist theory, which states that identities are inherited from parents and communities, or formed and solidified at an early age. This theory most accurately describes why Mormons are generally Republican. Mormons generally grow up in families and communities where their values are taught starting at birth. As children grow and mature in the Mormon Church, these values are taught and developed so that by the time they reach adolescence these values are engrained in most of them. Since family unity is very strong among Mormons, children often see their parents participating in the political process and political issues are often discussed in a family setting. From an early age, most Mormon children are destined to become Republicans.

            Based on data, and comparison between Republican and Mormon values, there most certainly is a correlation between the two. The Primordialist theory has also added light as to why this correlation has occurred. This correlation also leads us to believe that there certainly is a political identity attached to Mormons. 








  1. I really like how you showed the similarities in traditional beliefs of both LDS member and the Republican party. It helps show that when LDS members vote for a presidential candidate such as Romney that it does make it easier to vote for someone of the same faith but it's the main principles of his party that get you that point in the first place.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post! I felt like your points were well thought out as I was moving through the article.
